Uniform Hse 俊豐制服公司

How to Order
Order Procedure
U Design

(1) Select the product type
Select the product type and style of your company uniform. 
(6) Size breakdown and quantity 
Provide size breakdown and quantity after confirmation of product sample. 
(2) Form of quotation (email)
Email to us for the quotation
(7) Deposit payment
50% of total order amount will be collected as order deposit. 
(3) Confirm Quotation
We will provide the relevant quotation based on the design of your staff or members' uniform. 
(8) Order in production
Start mass production process of your uniform order.
(4) Production  drawing
Receive and confirm the layout sketch of your company uniform.
(9) Order finished
Order finished! We will contact you for delivery arrangement.
(5) Confirm the layout sketch
Receive and confirm the layout sketch of your company uniform.







(1) 選擇產品款式
(5) 交付訂金
收取訂購金額 50% 作為訂金

(2) 網上查詢報價
填寫網頁指定查詢表格. 方便查詢
(6) 確認電腦彩稿
(production drawing)

我們會將你的制服設計製成電腦樣稿, 給與你初步審批.

(3) 確認報價
我們會根據上以資料進行報價. 當確認報價後.會進入以下程序.
(7) 開始造貨程序
開始大貨生產程序. 一般生產貨期約為 7-10.

(4) 提供尺碼分佈及數量
確認樣辦後, 請提供尺碼分佈及其數量
(8) 訂單完成 安排送貨
訂單完成後, 我們會即時通知你, 並安排取貨或送貨事宜.